Monday, February 9, 2015

We're Going To Japan!

In May! On Vacation! With friends!

I'm probably most excited about that last bit. Traveling to Tokyo and Kyoto and breathing in an entirely different cultural world will be incredible. But I think the company will make it the trip of a lifetime. 

We're going to Japan with another couple, good friends of ours here in Charlottesville. My husband and I both went to college with the husband half of this couple and his sweet wife we've gotten to know over the past year since they've been married. They were originally planning this trip for just the two of them and on a whim, we were invited. (I wasn't there when it happened. It's possible my husband invited us.) In any case, all four of us are thrilled and excited and giddy to be taking on this adventure together. I think we'll make great travel buddies.

I don't know much about Japan--except that they turn out incredibly disciplined classical pianists by the fistful--so I've been looking things up left and right. I downloaded a "Learn Japanese" app and while so far I have only "yes" and "no" under my belt, my goal is to memorize at least a few words a week before the trip. (This week I want to master "breakfast," "lunch," and "dinner," which all sound remarkably alike.) Eventually I'll make my way to guidebooks but I've heard such good things about this book that I decided to snatch it up at Barnes and Noble this weekend. I'm really fascinated by the Japanese standard of cleanliness and order. And it goes without saying that I can't wait to eat in Japan. I think I might need to get a book describing all of the different foods so we know what to order and what not to miss out on.

My husband and I have never gone on a trip like this before and it feels equal parts reckless and exhilarating. The fact that we feel a little reckless just makes us even more giddy and excited. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and do something that feels a little out there, indulgent even, but that you know will bring you priceless memories and experiences you won't ever forget.


  1. My jaw dropped when I saw this post in my feed!! This is so insanely exciting! There is—it's so—ah! You're gonna have so much fun, that's for sure! How long will you be staying? Oh, and be sure to check out some traditional Japanese architecture—it's ingenious. I shall live vicariously through you!

  2. Hooray! Sooo excited for you! Japan seems so incredible!!!

  3. We knew about the trip for two--just heard not too long ago that it was now a trip for four! It sounds like so much fun. We can hardly wait to see the pictures and hear the stories. :)

  4. Thanks Sabbie! It is exciting! We are there for 9 days. :)

  5. You are totally my travel inspiration, girl! You and your husband are SO adventurous!

  6. Eee! We can't wait. V and I have been texting ideas back and forth like crazy. :)

  7. How exciting!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your photos!


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